I write, play golf, darts, pool, snooker left handed (just to name a few) but I kick a ball with my right foot. I thought I was one of only a few, relatively, who are like this. The annoying thing is when people keep asking me to try play a sport like Badminton with my left hand, which I can't do. I write, eat, brush my teeth my left, and play sport and use scissors with my right. I could otherwise be considered an intelligent person. I was never good at maths and have memory problems. I hold the fork with my right hand, but if I eat with a fork and a knife, I have to hold the fork in my left hand. I use my left hand for basketball, throwing a baseball, arrow and other. I use my right hand for writing, holding a screwdriver, ironing, hitting, etc. I did not know this was a common phenomenon.
I also seem to have a stronger left foot than the right one when shooting in football as well.Īs for problems, I seem to be a bit clumsy every now and then but I don't seem to have bad perception, balance or aim (in fact quite the other way around), and Maths was always one of my favorite subjects. I didn't knew this was actually a physical motor skill phenomenon, I use mostly the right hand for writing, holding equipment like hammers and spanners, but I use the left hand mostly for throwing like in baseball for example. People say that is weird but I don't care. I used both my hands to write or play sports. Left hand: Preferred eye, writing with a pen/pencil on a paper, scissors, playing darts, toothbrush, brush, ping-pong/badminton rackets, snooker cue, holding a rifle. Right hand: Throwing balls, basketball, handball, arm wrestling, preferred foot for football, using a compass, writing with chalk, computer mouse, holding a sabre. I'm still doing a list of things that I do with my hands, for instance: I actually don't know anyone with this type of "condition" besides myself. And hey, quite good in match.ĭunno if this is rare or not. Eat and write on the right but play sports on the left. Same case here, so that's what I'm called. My brother is also cross dominance but is my opposite cross dominance and he has slight autism, maybe if we get more info we could determine why this phenomenon happens and see more traits that are associated with it.
I would love to have more studies about this topic, it could help us understand more about us and maybe help some people. Most of these people in the comments I can relate to. I'm definitely a clumsy person and am bad at math. I am terrible at sports, especially if aiming is required. But I brush my teeth and comb my hair left-handed. I do most things right-handed including writing. This is why I write on paper with my left, yet use my right to write on a chalkboard. From the earlier posts this seems to be fairly common, though I've never heard anyone discuss it in these terms. I do fine motor skill activities mostly with my left, and gross motor skill activities mostly with my right. I am cross dominant and somewhat ambidextrous. I write right handed but do everything left footed. I'm undecided for shooting and darts since my dominant eye confuses aiming. I use my left hand for writing and my right hand for almost everything else - playing musical instruments, golf, tennis, throwing. Also Right ear and Right foot dominant.Īll I can think of right now.
Right: drinking, scissors, playing all sports, throwing and catching, using a computer mouse, arm wrestling, darts, bowling, holding a gun, holding a phone, shaking hands, flipping someone the bird (lmao). Left: writing, eating, sewing, brushing teeth and hair, smoking, using toilet paper (lol). I've even tried moving the mouse to my dominant writing hand and reversing the clicker, but I literally can't even use the mouse with that hand at all. using a mouse? It's an absolute nightmare. I wonder what makes us this way? Anyone else have an issue when you write with one hand, yet use a computer mouse with the other and have to electronically sign your name, underline, circle, draw an arrow, etc. I never think about it, but now that I am, it's mind-boggling. I'm literally all over the place with my mixed handedness.