I ALSO added a premade prm file for the Evolution of Combat BETA which will be available for every member soon.
#Download runescape client nxt install
=> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().Ĭlient is updated to v3.5 and have some new additions like a graphical settings editor "rsu-settings" which uses wxWidgets and wxPerl/libwx-perl to draw the interface(it is not needed for the actual client but i have had a few people that are unable to find the nf and stuff lol), not sure if those dependencies are available in arch but i know you can get them from cpan(albeit you need to clean Wx, look Wx, make and make install on the last part due to it failing for some reason but a clean make works fine)Īnd support for command line switches for the settings in the client. Makefile:1274: recipe for target 'test_dynamic' failed
Use of the encoding pragma is deprecated at t/18_unicode.t line 8. 01:59:46 PM: Debug: Failed to connect to session manager: SESSION_MANAGER environment variable not defined
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t I can't install it because I have a problem with perl-wx ( wine-valve-git, wine-stable-ubuntu, wine-staging-git, wine-git, wine-winscard, wine-wl-git, wine-stable-next, wine-stable, wine-ge-custom, wine-valve, wine-staging) (optional) – for "compatibility mode" fix ( pulseaudio-bluedio, pulseaudio-pali, pulseaudio-dummy, pulseaudio-nosystemd-git, pulseaudio-nosystemd-minimal-git, pulseaudio-hsphfpd, pulseaudio-airplay, pulseaudio-git, pipewire-common-pulse-git, pipewire-full-pulse-git, pipewire-pulse-git, pipewire-pulse) (optional) – for "force pulseaudio" fix ( p7zip-jinfeihan57-git, p7zip-natspec, 7-zip-full) (optional) – to extract launcher from.
( mimi-git, busking-git, xdg-utils-git, linopen, xdg-utils-mimeo, xdg-utils-handlr, xdg-utils-slock, mimi-bachoseven-git, xdg-utils-symlink-fix, mimejs-git) ( java-gcj-compat, jdk9, jre9, jdk-devel, jre10, jdk6, jdk12-openj9-bin, zulu-12-bin, jre6, jre12, jdk8-openjdk-dcevm, server-jre, jdk13-openj9-bin, jdk9-openj9-bin, jdk10, jdk11-openjdk-dcevm, jre8-openjdk-jetbrains, jdk10-openj9-bin, jdk14-openj9-bin, jdk7, jre7, jre14, jdk8-jetbrains, zulu-14-bin, jdk-bcl, jre-bcl, amazon-corretto-15, jdk11-openjdk-dcevm-conflicts-fixed, zulu-embedded-jdk8, sapmachine-jdk-bin, jdk15-adoptopenjdk, liberica-jre-8-full-bin, amazon-corretto-16, jdk8-graalvm-bin, jdk16-graalvm-bin, jre8-openjdk-shenandoah, zulu-16-bin, jdk7-j9-bin, jdk7r1-j9-bin, jdk11-graalvm-ee-bin, jdk8-j9-bin, jdk11-j9-bin, jdk16-adoptopenjdk, jdk11-openj9-bin, zulu-jdk-fx-bin, jdk-microsoft-openjdk, jdk11-microsoft-openjdk, jdk16-microsoft-openjdk, zulu-embedded-jdk11, jre12-openjdk, jre13-openjdk, jre14-openjdk, jre15-openjdk, jre16-openjdk, jdk-jetbrains, zulu-embedded-jdk, jre-openj9, jdk11-msopenjdk-bin, jre-openjdk-xdg, jdk18-beta-temurin, amazon-corretto-17, jre, zulu-15-bin, zulu-8-bin, zulu-11-bin, zulu-17-bin, liberica-jdk-8-full-bin, liberica-jdk-11-full-bin, liberica-jdk-full-bin, liberica-jdk-11-bin, liberica-jdk-11-lite-bin, liberica-jre-11-bin, liberica-jre-11-full-bin, zulu-jre-fx-bin, amazon-corretto-8, hmcl-zulu-bin, zulu-13-bin, jdk11-graalvm-bin, jdk17-graalvm-bin, java-openjdk-bin, jre8-adoptopenjdk, jdk-openj9-bin, jdk8-arm, jdk8, jre8, jre11, jdk-temurin, jdk-arm, amazon-corretto-11, jre17-jetbrains, java-openjdk-ea-bin, jdk11-temurin, java-openjdk-loom-ea-bin, jdk8-dragonwell-bin, jdk11-dragonwell-bin, jdk17-dragonwell-bin, jre-jetbrains, jre-jetbrains-openjdk-xdg, jre11-jetbrains-imfix, jdk8-openj9-bin, jre-openjdk, jre11-openjdk, jre8-openjdk)